Florida school field trip to gay bar

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Many critics saw the field trip as an obviously unsuitable outing for elementary school kids: Yet none of that stopped some community members from getting very, very upset – emotions reflected in the comments left on social media posts about the event.

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The goal was reportedly to help kids “learn about the types of jobs involved in operating a restaurant, how to pay for their meal, and how to leave a tip for the service they receive.” Students required a permission slip from parents to attend the field trip, they ordered off a child-friendly menu, and the establishment was empty of patrons when they attended. The visit was organized as part of a unit on community involvement, work, and developing social skills. That’s not to mention the rainbow-themed decor.

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I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone field trip to the incredible Rosie’s! The students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community! A huge thank you to for hosting this special field trip every year! /A3rpMbyUJP- School Board Member Sarah Leonardi October 27, 2021Ĭommenters were quick to point out that not only is Rosie’s a gay bar, but they have a number of suggestively named menu items, including the ‘Ivana Hooker’ burger, the ‘Rhoda Cowboy’ burger, and the ‘Hellena Bun,’ a burger “tossed in Rosie’s own ‘Smack My Cheeks and Make ‘em Rosy’ sauce”.

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